Bus Parts, Sales, & Service

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  • Affordable Quality Parts

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Row of School Buses

About Us

One Team, One Dream

Driven by Quality: Your Trusted Source for Bus Parts and Solutions

For more than 45 years, Don Brown Bus Parts has been providing best-in-class bus parts and components to keep your fleet running smoothly. Our passion is delivering the highest-quality parts to meet your specific needs—getting it right the first time. With one of the largest and most diverse inventories of bus parts in the United States, it’s no wonder schools, businesses, churches, and other organizations trust us for all their bus maintenance and repair needs.

How do we do this? By maintaining a constantly updated inventory with thousands of in-stock, reliable parts ready to ship. Whether you need a single replacement part or are managing a full fleet of vehicles, Don Brown Bus Parts is your trusted partner for all your bus parts solution

A man holding a box

If you need help sourcing parts, we’re here to support you.

We understand that maintaining a fleet is essential to your operations, and finding the right parts is often a big investment. That’s why we offer a wide range of solutions to meet your needs—whether you’re replacing a single component or stocking up for an entire fleet. We’re committed to providing the parts you need, when you need them, to keep your buses running smoothly.

People looking at a computer with parts around them

Don Brown Bus Parts also offers comprehensive post-sale support.

With an inventory of over 35,000 bus parts, we make it easy to keep your fleet in top condition. If you don’t have in-house technicians, we’re here to help. Our fully equipped, state-of-the-art bus repair and body shop can assist with any modifications, repairs, or restorations you need to keep your vehicles on the road.

Shuttle buses on a road

When it comes to bus parts, our promise is “Done Right, Done Fast.”

We take pride in ensuring you get the exact parts you need with the quality you expect—delivered on time.

Person writing on clipboard

If you don’t see the part you’re looking for on our website, give us a call and we’ll find it for you.

At Don Brown Bus Parts, we are committed to continually earning your trust by delivering excellence in every part we sell and every service we offer.

Our Culture and Core Values

Illustration of a head with a gear for a brain

Frame of Mind

We are a team that remains humble, takes pride in our work, and recognizes that attitude is contagious. We will not allow negativity or gossip to infiltrate ourranks.

Whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things -- Philippians 4:8b

Illustration of finger pushing button

Own It

With fearlessness and honesty we unashamedly take ownership of both our failures and our successes; knowing that failure is never fatal, and success is never final.

He who conceals his transgressions will not prosper, but he confesses and forsakes them will find compassion -- Proverbs 28:13

Illustration of hands shaking in the shape of a heart

Care About People

We support and serve our team, our customers and our partners.

Do not merely look out for your own personal interest, but also for the interest of others -- Philippians 2:4

Illustration of person walking up stairs

Unfaltering Improvement

We will continuously strive to be the best, never happy with anything short of excellence. Working together we are not bound by tradition or the past.

I have not achieved it, but I focus on this one thing: Forgetting the past and looking forward to what lies ahead – Philippians 2:4

Illustration of a slimeless heart


We will make all our decisions with a righteous heart, our integrity is paramount. Our Yes will be Yes, Our no will be No.

Joyful are people of integrity – Psalm 119:1a

Contact Us

Contact a knowledgeable and experienced parts professional that won't leave you hanging.